Traci's Cincinnati Avon Walk for Breast Cancer

My name is Traci Wolff. I am 27 years old, married to my best friend, Andrew, and the mother of 2 beautiful sons, Brandon, 7 yrs. and Eric, 2 yrs. I work for a wonderful company, Avon Products. Avon is the single largest corporate contributor to Breast Cancer Research. Avon Products, Inc. is committed to being the company for women, and in support of this mission, the Avon Foundation is responding to the needs of women and their families by funding the fight against the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women: breast cancer. This is accomplished through a unique initiative called the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade, which from 1993 through 2002 reached its 10-year goal of $250,000,000 net in total funds raised worldwide to fund access to care and finding a cure for breast cancer. In addition to the US, Avon now supports programs for breast cancer and other vital women's health issues in 50 countries around the world.

The goal of the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade is to benefit all women through research, clinical care, support services, education and early detection, but there is special emphasis on reaching medically underserved women, including low-income, elderly and minority women, and women without adequate health insurance. Reversing historical disparities in breast cancer care is a priority of the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade.

There are over one million women in America with undetected breast cancer. This year, approximately 182,800 women in the United States will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. That’s 500 per day. More than 40,800 will die. A woman’s chance of having breast cancer during her lifetime is one in eight. Your chance of knowing this woman is nearly 100%. These are staggering facts, with frightening numbers. The good news is that this is a fight that we can do something about. I am committed to doing everything within my power to help wipe out this disease.

If I told you I’m walking a marathon over 2 days to help women with undetected breast cancer find out early enough to survive, would you support me? What if I told you that right now there are over 1,000,000 women in the United States with undetected breast cancer? Would you sponsor me to help them find out early enough that they survive to watch their friends and family grow up and grow old? How about if I told you that 70% of those women have absolutely no risk factors for breast cancer. They don’t even know they should be checking. Would you sponsor me to help educate them?

If you can find it in your heart (and wallet), to help me on my way to raise $2500 (my personal goal) - please go to and make a donation for walker Traci Wolff in Cincinnati.

Thank you for your support.

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